After an encounter with a Grey alien, I did regression hypnosis and uncovered a lifetime of contact.
I’m finally writing about this in a provocative novel that confronts humanity’s urgent need to awaken to the reality that we are not alone. It’s a book about empathy, and how urgently we need to evolve.
It's time we confronted the colossal failure of our scientific, historical, archaeological, medical, governmental, military, media and religious institutions in their duty to absorb new information for the greater good. Believing Earth is the only inhabited planet out of billions (just in our galaxy), is out of step with the discovery of 4,000 exoplanets - and this from examining only a small area. Also radically evolving theories in string theory and quantum mechanics support life beyond Earth. Pretending you’re alone in a crowd is delusional. It’s “flat Earth” thinking. We’ve been conditioned by decades of media sniggering at UFOs. My response? “Do you always think what you’re told?”
Eyewitness testimony is the cornerstone of our judicial system - yet we don’t listen to people who say they’ve encountered something science can’t explain. People from all over the world, with no vested interest in going public, who in fact lose jobs and relationships when they’re outed, describe the same beings performing the same procedures, using the same instruments, in the same order. That’s beyond even what pop culture could have planted in people’s minds. Many of these accounts predate the pop culture little gray alien. There’s also physical evidence on abductees’ bodies, that matches internationally (scoop marks in particular). One experiencer I know woke up to a Fitbit reading saying she’d gone to an elevation of 30 feet during the night - she lives in a single story home. Information like this isn’t proof of aliens, but it should be taken seriously. If something’s beyond our current science, does that make it unscientific? Isn’t the role of science to explore and question? A laser pointer in Isaac Newton’s time would have been considered magic, but we know better. Only because we kept learning and adapting.
Extraterrestrials exist. They’re here. I’ve seen them (consciously, outside hypnosis). They may be helping us to evolve faster than we would on our own, to save us and the planet - environmental models suggest we’ve already passed the tipping point for survival. Or our planet may be being taken parasitically because we're too scared to look. I’ve been shown there many who are working hard to help us, but there are other beings who don’t have our interests at heart. Whatever’s happening, we have to face it. We’re in the middle of our own sci-fi movie, and we’re sitting on the sofa with our hands over our eyes.
The question is no longer “Do you believe in aliens?” It’s “Do aliens believe in us?”
This is a faithful depiction of what I saw. Sketch by Adam Burns.
Grey alien experience
In 1995 I volunteered as an art teacher on the Hopi reservation, working for the traditionalists of the tribe, on Shungopovi, Second Mesa. We had no liquor or drugs, we weren’t even allowed to bring cameras, paper, or pens into this very private tribal land. Relaxing with the other volunteers one night, I saw a Grey alien just standing there staring right at me, between two large piñon trees, about fifteen feet from me. It was about 4 feet tall, impossibly thin, especially the neck and arms - too thin to be anyone playing a prank - with a huge head, black almond shaped eyes, long arms and fingers, no clothing or discernible gender, and skin that was a grayish white. It stared at me for a few seconds, then it turned and walked to its left to behind the tree on my right. I screamed “What the fuck was that?” and ran out to it. We all ran around the trees looking for it but it was gone. I was the only one who saw it.
I’ve had nine regressions, revealing a lifetime of contact. Regression hypnosis has taken me back to specific events - abductions. The QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) has been even more successful, by placing me in a trancelike state, wavelength or frequency, that makes it possible for alien beings to contact me. I’m not alone in this, this technique seems to be able to do this for a number of people. The beings I’m in contact with have shown me a past life experience, a visual tour of their home world in Orion, and we’ve gone back to specific abduction events from childhood through to the present. I’ve been taken up to a ship through the wall (and window), and had many visits to small, circular ships with domelike interiors, directionless light, a pliant, metallic table that shapes itself out of the floor then reconfigures to fit your form, various instruments that come down from the ceiling, and shapes that extend from the walls that are fluid along the top, like drawers full of mercury.
The Beings
The Grey alien I saw on the Hopi Reservation (pictured above) has visited me many times. It’s very kind and patient. It’s shown me specific things I’ve asked for to help me with my book - like how its hands work. It has dimples in the end of tubelike, jointless fingers which serve as energy transfer points, as is the palm of its hand.
I’ve spent a lot of time with a Mantid being. It’s about 7.5 feet tall, and crouches so it’a actually taller than that. Its head is enormous, at least two feet high. Its skin is scaled like a crocodile with small tendrils like hairs extending from the side. It has a hard exoskeleton, with vivid green scales with a gold tone running through them - but when you stand back it looks brown, like a crocodile scales. Each scale has tiny pores in the center and little hairs in between. Its eyes are long and dark brown, showing thousands of tiny gold hexagons/omatidia when they catch the light. (Please excuse this terrible illustration I made. The eyes are too short and the chin is more pointed.) I wasn’t interested in Mantids before meeting this one. I’ve later found out that others have experienced the strange way Mantid beings tilt their head at a 90 degree angle, which is what this one did. I didn't know about this before the regression. Once, a tiny point of white light came out of the center of the mantis being's forehead, not like a laser or a beam of light, but like a needle sharp point. It went directly into me, between my eyes. I could feel love and support, kindness.
A Grey alien with a huge, pear shaped head, about18 inches from chin to top. Shiny, black, almond shaped eyes that don't blink. Its mouth is probably about the same size as mine, but the head is so much larger, that it’s proportionately a very small, expressionless mouth. No lips, but its edges are wrinkly, like a very old person. Its skin has dimples or pores, of organic, old skin, a dark gray color, but a warm gray, like an elephant in the sun. Its eyes look very hard, kind of textbook ‘evil’ because they're looking up from under a heavy brow, but it’s far from that - it exudes love in a very intense way. What I’ve found more shocking than even how these beings look - is there are NO emotions with the older looking Grey. Being it the presence of a being with zero emotion, just feels really, really alien.
Beautiful, delicate features, a fierce, quiet intellect. Large, almost almond shaped eyes with narrow green irises, and what looks like dilated black pupils, but never change. A very small nose, tiny but rounded lips, and a very pointed chin. Her hair is blond, almost white, and pulled back from her face (sorry this image isn’t exact). Her head is larger than ours, but not as large as the Greys. Her skin is a light pink, like mixing a pinkish flesh color and then adding a lot of white to it. She has a dry sense of humor.
I call this being ‘Orion Grey’ because it took me to Orion and showed me myself, in alien form, laying on a table of white light. It said I had incarnated here. It’s also shown me its home world. It has a smaller head than the Elder Grey or the Small White Grey, and slightly more rounded almond shaped eyes. Its skin has large pores, about a centimeter across, that look like greenish-white scales, like the underbelly of a snake. There are so many types of Greys and Reptilians, there are many who have features of both. It’s a very kind being, who has taken on the role of my guide.
Just once, during an abduction experience, while laying on the table, there were two two small beings doing something to my right leg. They looked like small Greys. When I tilted my head as forward as I could, I was struck by how flat their faces were in profile. They had large black eyes, but their skin wasn't gray, or whitish gray like the one I'd seen in my conscious state - they were blue. It was a color between turquoise and cobalt and kind of glowed. Their heads were larger than ours but smaller than Greys.
I’ve been shown myself in the form of a Light Being. Once I was shown The Source, which took the form of a Light Being. Humanoid, very thin, with hands and feet tapering off to points, the top of the head also. A creamy white light with flecks of brighter light moving about within it, kind of like opal, but all white and cream and a very gentle light.
These are illustrations of the beings I’ve been in contact with.
I wake up with inexplicable markings. If I was a sleepwalker, I think my wife would have noticed by now! Regression hypnosis has uncovered these experiences in detail. Yes, they’re abductions.
I sometimes wake up with massive, swollen bruises on my legs. The bruise pictured here resemble a three or four fingered hand (no thumb). My first regression hypnosis session went back to this event and uncovered an abduction experience. They explained how and why this happens.
Puncture wounds
I’ve woken up several times with a pair of puncture wounds on my leg, above the knee. They don't swell, scab or discolor like a bite wound would, and they're always perfectly round and 1cm apart.
Triangular scoop marks
I’ve had several of these scoop marks. The skin is missing in the triangular scoop mark, 1 cm long and slightly elongated. I hadn't bumped into anything, and the only thing I do bump into sometimes is higher, at knee level and never breaks the skin.